Research Group Details

Pure Mathematics


Research in Pure Mathematics at Melbourne is organised into several inter-connected groups, whose pages are linked below.  Each group runs its own seminar, with calendars found on the group's pages.  In addition, there is a weekly Pure Maths Seminar.


Algebraic Geometry

Number theory

Representation theory


Seminar series

Pure Mathematics Seminar

Academic Staff

A/Prof Diarmuid CROWLEY (Associate Professor)
Research interests: Algebraic topology, Differential topology, Surgery classification of manifolds
Prof Jan DE GIER (Professor)
Research interests: Combinatorics, Integrable models, Mathematical Physics, Stochastic Processes
A/Prof Nora GANTER (Associate Professor)
Research interests: Categorification, Elliptic cohomology, Homotopical representation theory, Monstrous moonshine
Dr Jesse GELL-REDMAN (Lecturer)
Research interests: Differential geometry, Microlocal analysis, Partial Differential Equations
A/Prof Alex GHITZA (Senior Lecturer)
Research interests: Automorphic forms, computational number theory, Galois representations, Shimura varieties
Prof Christian HAESEMEYER (Professor)
Research interests: Algebraic cycles, K-theory, Motives
A/Prof Jack HALL (Associate Professor)

A/Prof Craig HODGSON (Associate Professor/Reader)
Research interests: Differential geometry, Hyperbolic geometry, Low dimensional topology
Dr Mario KIEBURG (Senior Lecturer)
Research interests: Harmonic Analysis and Group & Representation Theory, Orthogonal functions and polynomials, Quantum Chaos, Quantum field theory, Quantum Information Theory, Random Matrix Theory, Supersymmetry & Graded Algebras, Telecommunications systems, Time Series
Dr Brian KRUMMEL (Lecturer)
Research interests: Differential equations, Geometric analysis, Minimal Surfaces
Dr Peter MCNAMARA (Senior Lecturer)
Research interests: Representation theory
Dr Daniel MURFET (Lecturer)
Research interests: Algebraic geometry, Mathematical logic, Topological field theories
Prof Paul NORBURY (Professor)
Research interests: Algebraic geometry, Gauge Theory, Mathematical Physics, Moduli spaces
Dr Thomas QUELLA (Senior Lecturer)
Research interests: Conformal field theory, quantum integrable models, Lie (super) algebras, diagram algebras, quantum groups, Quantum many-body physics, Representation Theory and Applications, Topological states of matter, tensor network states
Prof Arun RAM (Professor)
Research interests: Representation theory
Associate Professor Lawrence REEVES (Senior Lecturer)
Research interests: Geometric group theory
Professor David RIDOUT (Professor)
Research interests: Conformal field theory, Integrable models, Lie (super) algebras, Representation theory, Vertex operator algebras
A/Prof Marcy ROBERTSON (Associate Professor)
Research interests: Higher category theory, Homotopy Theory, Operad theory
Dr Volker SCHLUE (Lecturer)
Research interests: General relativity, Geometric analysis, Partial Differential Equations
Dr TriThang TRAN (Lecturer)

Prof Kari VILONEN (Professor)
Research interests: Algebraic analysis, Algebraic geometry, Representation theory
Dr Chenyan WU (Senior Lecturer)
Research interests: Algebraic geometry, Algebraic number theory, Representation theory
A/Prof Ting XUE (Associate Professor)
Research interests: Algebraic groups, Representation theory
Dr Yaping YANG (Senior Lecturer)
Research interests: Geometric representation theory, Quantum groups
Dr Gufang ZHAO (Senior Lecturer)
Research interests: Algebra, Algebra, geometry, topology, Algebraic geometry, Geometry & Topology, Representation theory, Topology
Professor Paul ZINN-JUSTIN (Professor)
Research interests: Algebraic Combinatorics, Quantum integrable systems, Schubert calculus

Research Fellows

Dr Luca CASSIA (Research Fellow)

Dr Dougal DAVIS (Research Fellow)
Research interests: Algebraic geometry, Representation theory
Dr Moritz DOLL (Research Fellow / Research Fellow)

Dr Justine FASQUEL (Research Fellow)

Dr Zachary FEHILY (Research Fellow)

Dr Guillaume LAPLANTE-ANFOSSI (Research Fellow)

Dr Yau Wing (Albert) LI (Research Fellow)


Dr Jun Yong (June) PARK (Research Fellow)
Research interests: Arithmetic of moduli stacks, Fibered algebraic surfaces, Spaces of morphisms

Honorary Staff

Senior Fellow (Associate)
Fellow (Associate)
Associate Professor John GROVES
Principal Fellow (Associate)
Associate Professor Jerry KOLIHA
Principal Fellow (Associate)
Emeritus Professor Charles MILLER
Emeritus Professor (Associate)
Emeritus Professor J. Hyam RUBINSTEIN
Professorial Fellow (Associate)
Fellow (Associate)